I was watching a tennis match between Novak Djokovic and Rafael Nadal when a grinning Daivik came by, shuffled around my legs without a word and took seat in my now optimally reconfigured lap. There was a rain interruption in the match and they were filling up the time by showing some football. Suddenly there was a cheer in the game. Somebody had scored a goal. Daivik joined in and to my amusement, shouted "four...four". I said, "Daivik, this is not cricket, this is football, you don't shout four here". "What do you shout then?", he asked. Well, what do you shout..."Goal...Goal", I said, rather simplistically.
By now tennis was back and Djokovic found his groove almost immediately. I started clapping at the end of another wonderful point when Daivik, eager to join in, started to cheer. But then what game is this ? It does not look like Cricket or Football, how to cheer ? The cheer, however, has been committed. The committed cheer of a sports fan, like a fully taut arrow, cannot be denied. The Daivik arrow hits a mark. Hands raised in excitement, in a high voice, he shouted, "Four...Goal". Thus Novak Djokivic found himself a rather unique accolade from his newest fan, an amalgamation of the high moments of cricket and football bestowed upon him for his tennis point, a feet even he is going to have tough time replicating.
The moment over, the arrow spent, Daivik turned to me and asked, "appa, is this correct ? what game is this ? what do you shout?". I didn't bother to correct him.
By now tennis was back and Djokovic found his groove almost immediately. I started clapping at the end of another wonderful point when Daivik, eager to join in, started to cheer. But then what game is this ? It does not look like Cricket or Football, how to cheer ? The cheer, however, has been committed. The committed cheer of a sports fan, like a fully taut arrow, cannot be denied. The Daivik arrow hits a mark. Hands raised in excitement, in a high voice, he shouted, "Four...Goal". Thus Novak Djokivic found himself a rather unique accolade from his newest fan, an amalgamation of the high moments of cricket and football bestowed upon him for his tennis point, a feet even he is going to have tough time replicating.
The moment over, the arrow spent, Daivik turned to me and asked, "appa, is this correct ? what game is this ? what do you shout?". I didn't bother to correct him.
Once again! Goal! Four! Six!