Wednesday, March 6, 2013


Daivik and me were trying to work together, in this case it was supposed to be some learning exercises. He was obviously getting bored and partly to cover it up and partly to divert me he said in a distracted voice,
"Appa, I love you". Having learnt the lesson from him earlier, I responded - correctly I thought - "I love you, too". He giggled, and said "I love you, three", making a pun on the word 'too'. I played along, saying "I love you, four". This went on for a while and  at one point he made a big jump and said, "I love you thousand".

Until not too long ago, his numerical skills ended at ten, matching with the number of fingers he could count. It had recently expanded several folds to hundred, and I thought was currently saturating at thousand. So I asked, "Is there something larger than thousand". He surprised me by saying, "Yes I know, it is called million". Okay, time for some lessons now ! So, I told him there are numbers bigger than million and introduced him to billion and trillion and was trying to tell him the concept of so many zeros after the one. He got bored again but asked me, "Appa, what is bigger than trillion". "Trillion and one", I said, trying to hide my ignorance of numbers higher on the log scale. He seemed okay with that answer and started to look around for his mother. He spotted her, ran to her and said excitedly, "Mom, I love you trillion and one".

There you go, it is "thousand" for dad and "trillion plus one" for mom :)

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